Kia Ora Whanau,
Today we will be celebrating another fantastic week of engaging
learning and exciting events that have occurred around the
school. There certainly is a lot of action around the place with
Production rehearsals, sports practices or trials and other events to
register for. It is a very special aspect of our school that there is so
much opportunity for the students, and it is great to see this in action
as I walk around the school at break and lesson times.
Next week we have our first class camp of the year heading away
for three days of excitement! Rooms 5, 6 & 15 in Te Whanau o
Otamakaokao are travelling to Kokako Lodge in South Auckland on
Wednesday, along with a number of whanau who are in attendance
as well. The students are really looking forward to the trip, as are
the teachers who have put in a huge amount of planning to ensure
the camp experience is beneficial, safe and of course fun!. We wish
everyone a fantastic time and would like to thank the whanau who
are able to attend. We really appreciate and value the support, as
such trips would not be possible otherwise.
As previously discussed, the school places major importance and
focus on its weekly attendance. It is no secret that high attendance
ensures that each student will achieve well in all areas of the
school. A student who attends school 90% of the time is in
class 4 and a half days a week. This means they are still
absent for 20 days or 4 weeks over the year. This is a significant
amount of learning time that they are missing out on. Therefore we
ask that whanau ensure their child is at school as often as possible,
simply so they can get the most out of what this school can
offer. The weekly attendance trophy is again a regular feature of
our formal assemblies and well done to Room 11 who this time had
the top attendance rate, and also to Room 5 who had the most
improved attendance from the week before.
This week was the first Whanau Teacher Hui of the year, and it was
hugely successful. It was great to see so many whanau come in
and meet with their child's teacher. A point of difference from
previous years was the Technology Tour. This was where the
students took their whanau on a tour of our amazing technology
facilities and see first-hand the very unique and highly valued
learning that goes on within this part of the school. Thanks to the
whanau for taking the time to go around and good luck for the spot
prizes that will be drawn today at formal assembly! We are very
proud of our technology programme, which is specifically designed
for our age students in the Intermediate setting.
Have a great weekend.
Nga Mihi,
Mike Webster