Whakatāne Intermediate has been chosen to work
alongside EcoQuest Te Rarangahau Taiao on a Curious
Minds Science project. We are one of three schools to
be chosen to be part of the project - the other local
school is Te Kura o te Paroa and Te Kauwhata
College. The project is looking at the quality of the
water in the lagoon and the benefit of using specific
plants to improve the quality. Term 1 next year will see
the students building and planting more floating wetlands
out from the landing area close to the Enviro classroom.
The project started yesterday with 17 students selected
from Otamakaokao Syndicate as this is their Syndicate
waterway. These students will follow the project
through. On Wednesday the students tested the lagoon
for clarity, dissolved oxygen, phosphorus and nitrates.
We welcomed project coordinator, Liz Duggan to take the
students on through the first part of the project.
Regards, Helen Dobbin (Environmental Science Teacher)